作者 | 出版年 | 篇名/文章名 | 研討會名稱 |
許殷宏, 林佳莉 | 2015/05 | 掙脫現實的枷鎖?-勞工階級子女生涯選擇之探究 | 「第二十一屆臺灣教育社會學論壇」國際學術研討會 |
黃瑄怡 | 2015/06 | Possibilities for Taiwanese Practices of the Self: Wartime Culture and Literature in Taiwan | International Standing Conference for History of Education (ISCHE) |
Chang, Chien-ju | 2015/07 | Predictors of reading abilities in Mandarin Chinese-speaking children: A longitudinal study over three years | 第22屆閱讀科學年會(SSSR) |
陳瓊花 | 2015/07 | From visual thinking to aesthetics: Visual Aesthetic Education in Taiwan | USSEA Regional Conference an Inclusive World: Bridging Communities |
王麗雲 | 2015/09 | Comparing School Evaluation in UK-England and Taiwan: Challenges for Improving Student Achievement | 2015 European Conference on Educational Research Annual Meeting |
王麗雲, 張繼寧, 朱慧培, 郭展有 | 2015/09 | Network-based Recommendation Game for Increasing Response Rate in Web Survey | 2015調查研究方法與應用學術研討會 |
張鑑如 | 2015/09 | 閱讀基礎研究計畫成果 | 科技部104年成果分享會議 |
王麗雲 | 2015/09 | Shaping Parents’ Inputs in Education: A Comparative Study of National Parents’ Organizations in Four Countries | 2015 European Conference on Educational Research Annual Meeting |
王麗雲 | 2015/10 | 高教資料與校務資料的能與不能 | 校務資料與高教成效學術研討會 |
吳昭容、鄭鈐華、李珮瑜、王又禾 | 2015/10 | 國中數學補救教學執行策略與成效評估 | 台灣心理學會第54屆年會暨學術研討會 |
王麗雲 | 2015/11 | 教育組織與系統的調適與創生 | 教育的想像─演化與創新國際研討會 |
陳佩英 | 2015/12 | 政策網絡的促能系統建制:學習社群與組織反饋的學校轉型實踐 | 邁向十二年國教新課綱的第一哩路:從課綱轉化到學校課程的系統性變革研討會 |
Wang,L.Y. Cheng.C.C. | 2015/12 | Teachers’ Fear and Union Participation | 2015 Australian Association for Research in Education Annual Meeting |
Wang,L.Y. Lin,F.Y. | 2015/12 | How Does an Apple turn into an Orange? Evaluating the Comprehensive High School Reform in Taiwan | 2015 Australian Association for Research in Education Annual Meeting |
作者 | 出版年 | 篇名/文章名 | 研討會名稱 |
王麗雲、江淑真、董子毅 | 2014/05 | 弱勢學生扶助的過去與未來:中美政策之比較 | 第20屆台灣教育社會學論壇 |
黃瑄怡、甄曉蘭 | 2014/06 | 支援高中職低成就學生學習與補救教學的挑戰 | 低學習成就學生學習輔導學術研討會 |
張鑑如 | 2014/07 | Evaluation in Mandarin Chinese children’s personal narratives | 第十三屆兒童語言研究國際學術研討會(IASCL) |
Shu-Chen Chiang | 2014/09 | Best Practices to Cultivate Tomorrow’s Vocational Educators | The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2014 |
Shu-Chen Chiang, Li-Yun Wang | 2014/09 | Age Matters? Insights from Maturated-Age Teacher Candidates in the Teaching Profession | The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2014 |
Chi-Ning Chang, Li-yun Wang | 2014/09 | The Influence of Family and School Factors on Student Achievement in Rural Taiwan | 2014 European Conference on Educational Research |
Li-yun Wang, Chi-Ning Chang, Shu-Chen Chiang | 2014/09 | Network-Based Recommendation Game for Increasing the Response Rate of Web Survey on Higher Education. | 2014 European Conference on Educational Research |
李珮瑜、洪儷瑜 | 2014/10 | 學校行政執行層級與國中國語文補教教學成效之關係 | 2014全球教育論壇:教育革新與學生學習」國際學術研討會 |
王麗雲 | 2014/10 | 多元或統合:縣市家長會的角色、限制與展望 | 縣市教育力與教育發展研討會 |
劉秀嫚、王麗雲 | 2014/10 | 新北市國民中小學校務教師專業發展的現況與展望 | 縣市教育力與教育發展研討會 |
游進年 | 2014/10 | 學校校務評鑑工作常見迷思與問題 | 縣市教育力與教育發展研討會 |
| 2014/10 | 納入與排除-臺灣教育優先區實驗方案之推動歷程研究 | 教育革新與學生學習國際學術研討會 |
黃瑄怡 | 2014/11 | Making Civilized Taiwanese: A New Culture History of Language Education in Colonial Taiwan in the 1920s. | 第八屆二岸四地教育史研究論壇 |
劉虹君 | 2014/11 | 師培生之教師專業知識調查研究 | 教改二十年:回顧與前瞻國際學術研討會 |
謝文瑾 | 2014/11 | 從學生觀點探究國中公民科教學議題 | 教改二十年:回顧與前瞻國際學術研討會 |
王麗雲 | 2014/12 | Roles and Challenges of Parents’ Organizations at the Local and National Level in Taiwan | 2014 AARE-NZARE Conference |
王麗雲 | 2014/12 | Matthew Effect among Nearby Schools and Its Implications for Equality of Educational Opportunity | 2014 AARE-NZARE Conference |
作者 | 出版年 | 篇名/文章名 | 研討會名稱 |
Hsiao-Feng Tsai, Wilkinson, I | 2013/04 | How classroom discourse related to reading comprehension? A Case Study of Collaborative Reasoning in a Chinese Heritage Language Learners’ Classroom | 2013 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting |
| 2013/04 | Does having a professional certification reduce the likelihood of attrition for teachers? Insights from nationally representative survey of private school teachers. | American Educational Research Association Annual Conference |
| 2013/04 | Aggregate variables are not always reliable: Two-step procedure for incorporating aggregate variables in the two-level model. | American Educational Research Association Annual Conference |
湯仁燕 | 2013/05 | 新移民子女在高等教育中的文化認同與教育議題──Diaspora(離散)觀點之分析 | 2013教育高階論壇:數位時代之教議題與發展研討會 |
李珮瑜、洪儷瑜 | 2013/06 | 補救教學的另一種模式:大學與縣市政府合作執行補救教學的現況與困難 | 永齡希望小學執行成果暨補救教學學術研討會 |
李思慧、洪儷瑜 | 2013/06 | 國中語文補救教學教師使用標準介入教材之適應歷程 | 永齡希望小學執行成果暨補救教學學術研討會 |
陳秀芬、洪儷瑜、王宣惠 | 2013/06 | 國中低成就學生課堂行為表現與學習成效之研究 | 永齡希望小學執行成果暨補救教學學術研討會 |
Shu-Chen Chiang, Wei-Ling Wang, Li-Yun Wang | 2013/07 | The Fitter, the Better: Investigating the Impact of Major-Job Congruence vs. STEM trait on Wages | Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association (CAERDA) |
張鑑如 | 2013/07 | What are the cognitive & language skills of young children that predict later reading: A longitudinal study | 第20屆閱讀科學年會(SSSR) |
ze-Li Hsu, Hsien-Yuan Hsu | 2013/08 | Investigation of the association between marital status and positive psychological well-Being using MIDUS II. | American Psychological Association Annual Conference |
| 2013/08 | Alternative procedure for incorporating aggregate level two variables in the two-level model. | American Psychological Association Annual Conference |
| 2013/08 | Evaluating a systematic review rating scale: The methodological quality questionnaire. | American Psychological Association Annual Conference |
Shu-Chen Chiang, Wei-Lin Wang, Li-Yun Wang | 2013/09 | Exploring the Effect of College Quality on Early-Career Graduates’ Earnings in Taiwan | European Conference for Educational Research (ECER) |
張炳煌 | 2013/10 | 儲備教師從事教職以外工作意願之研究 | 教育資料庫建置與應用國際學術研討會 |
葉國良、潘瑛如、李懿芳 | 2013/10 | 高中職與五專一年級學生社經背景, 心理狀態與學習滿意度之研究 | 教育資料庫建置與應用國際學術研討會 |
廖年淼、王麗雲 | 2013/10 | 高中職五專一年級學生家庭背景比較及其政策意涵 | 教育資料庫建置與應用國際學術研討會 |
張素貞、黃詣翔 | 2013/10 | 師資生參與教育實習教學能力改變之研究 | 教育資料庫建置與應用國際學術研討會 |
Shu-Chen Chiang, Chiu-Ju Lai, Ling-Hui Liu, Nyan-Myau Lyau | 2013/10 | The Impact of Government’s Outsourcing Job Training on the Voluntary and Involuntary Unemployment. | Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training (AASVET) |
王麗雲、張繼寧 | 2013/10 | 師資生求職經驗及影響因素分析 | 教育資料庫建置與應用國際學術研討會 |
許獻元、王麗雲、陳文謙、王巍霖、蘇少祖、張繼寧 | 2013/10 | 後期中等教育整合資料庫與師資培育資料庫資料釋出考量 | 教育資料庫建置與應用國際學術研討會 |
張嘉育、黃亞君、王秋錳 | 2013/10 | 我國師資生職場競爭力分析 | 教育資料庫建置與應用國際學術研討會 |
張民杰、濮世緯 | 2013/10 | 有願就有力?師資生任教意願與教育專業能力相關之研究 | 教育資料庫建置與應用國際學術研討會 |
江淑真 | 2013/10 | 有意願但也較資深:比較不同年齡層師培生之教育理念/實際投入及其結果。 | 教育資料庫建置與應用國際研討會 |
劉風源、張文龍、廖年淼 | 2013/10 | 他們如何做選擇?—後中學生校科選擇行為之分析與比較 | 教育資料庫建置與應用國際學術研討會 |
楊家瑜、江淑真、廖年淼 | 2013/10 | 不同學制別與學院別科技大學畢業生就業表現之比較分析 | 教育資料庫建置與應用國際研討會 |
林如萍、黃秋華、王麗雲 | 2013/10 | 不平等的童年?!隔代教養家庭:青少年知覺的家庭功能與學校適應 | 教育資料庫建置與應用國際學術研討會 |
湯仁燕、林葦玲 | 2013/11 | 從教師鷹架到學生自主──探析交互教學中的學習責任移轉 | 從內變革:開創教與學的主體行動國際學術研討會 |
侯秋玲、蔡曉楓、甄曉蘭 | 2013/11 | Changing teachers’ perceptions of teaching and learning social studies through Implementing | International Symposium,Learning to be a teacher in a changing world |
李珮瑜、劉淑貞、張倫睿 | 2013/12 | 語文精進教材在國中之補救教學運用 | 2013年中華民國特殊教育學會45週年年會暨學術研討會 |
曾瓊禛、洪儷瑜、孫瑜成、李思慧 | 2013/12 | 國中語文精進教材處遇精準度研究 | 2013年中華民國特殊教育學會45週年年會暨學術研討會 |
王敏薰 | 2013/12 | 國中語文精進教材在資源班之運用—以學習障礙生為例 | 2013年中華民國特殊教育學會45週年年會暨學術研討會 |
作者 | 出版年 | 篇名/文章名 | 研討會名稱 |
陳秀芬、洪儷瑜 | 2012/01 | 標準化補救教學模式在RTI之運用—第二層級語文補救教學教材之研發—國中語文精進教材 | 2013年中華民國特殊教育學會45週年年會暨學術研討會 |
李珮瑜, 洪儷瑜, 劉淑貞 | 2012/01 | 策略性語文補救教學對於學習障礙國中生的成效探討 | 提升中小學補救教學成效理論與實務研討論壇 |
王巍霖, 王麗雲 | 2012/01 | The Killing Questions | American Sociological Association: Annual Meeting 2012 |
張鑑如 | 2012/05 | Syntactic complexity in preschoolers’ narratives in nine languages | The Fourth European Network Meeting on Communicative Development Inventories (EUNM-CDI) |
張鑑如 | 2012/07 | The pragmatic skills in children’s play with strange peers | Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA) the 13th International Conference |
張鑑如 | 2012/07 | Interaction strategies between Taiwanese mothers and children during joint book reading: A longitudinal study | The 14th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences |
何文君、張鑑如 | 2012/08 | 海外兒童學習華語詞彙範圍之研究 | 第二屆漢語作為第二語言研究國際研討會 |
王麗雲,江淑真 | 2012/10 | Taiwan Experience in Tracer Studies: Taiwan Integrated Postsecondary Education Database (TIPED). | International Conference on Experience with Link and Match in Higher Education: Result of Tracer Studies Worldwide (EXLIMA). |
江淑真, 王麗雲, 王巍霖 | 2012/10 | Investigating the Relationship between Graduate Responses and Their Returning Participation to Boost Response Rates of Tracer Studies: The Case of TIPED. | International Conference on Experience with Link and Match in Higher Education: Result of Tracer Studies Worldwide (EXLIMA). |
江淑真, 王麗雲, 王巍霖 | 2012/10 | Investigating the relationship between graduate responses and their returning participation to boost response rates of tracer studies:The case of TIPED | Letter International Conference on Experience with Link and Match in Higher Education: Result of Tracer Studies Worldwide |
張鑑如 | 2012/11 | Family shared reading in Taiwan: Research and implications | 2012 IATEFL Young Learners and Teenagers (SIG) Conference and Asian Literacy Conference |
吳昭容 | 2012/11 | 國中數學補救教材研發, 實驗, 推廣的反思 | 2020教育願景國際學術研討會 |
蔡曉楓, 洪儷瑜, 李思慧, 陳秀芬 | 2012/11 | 國中語文科補救教學教師專業成長課程之歷程分析 | 2020教育願景國際學術研討會 |
洪儷瑜 | 2012/11 | 語文精進教材—以語文素養為本位的國中語文補救教學 | 2020教育願景國際學術研討會 |
鄭鈐華, 吳昭容 | 2012/11 | 數學補救教學對八年級低成就學生成就與動機的影響 | 弱勢學生補救教學行動研究/實證研究研討會 |
林寀雯, 王又禾, 涂育維, 吳昭容 | 2012/11 | 七年級數學補救教材與試題應用於低成就學生的適切性評估 | 弱勢學生補救教學行動研究/實證研究研討會 |
作者 | 出版年 | 篇名/文章名 | 研討會名稱 |
王麗雲、李昀真 | 2011/01 | 大專校院教師角色期望落差及其影響之研究 | 「新世代的大學定位與價值」國際學術研討會 |
許獻元、勞賢賢 | 2011/01 | 人力資本、社會資本及學用配合對於大專畢業生就業表現之影響 | 「新世代的大學定位與價值」國際學術研討會 |
王麗雲、王巍霖 | 2011/01 | 低分上大學,好或壞? | 「新世代的大學定位與價值」國際學術研討會 |
甄曉蘭 | 2011/04 | Teacher education reform: For the better or for the worse. Chairing the Invited Symposium Session of Division K: | The 2011 Annual Meeting of AERA |
Paul L. Morgan, Michelle Frisco, George Farkas, andJacob Hibel | 2011/04 | A propensity score matching analysis of the effects of inclusive special education services. Paper presented at the Meeting of American Educational Research Association Annual Conference | The Meeting of American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. |
| 2011/04 | The role of parents of adolescents’ scientific literacy in Hong Kong: Exploring the transmission of general value of science using PISA 2006 | The Meeting of American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. |
甄曉蘭 | 2011/05 | What is it that really concerns upper secondary school Chinese teachers? The Taiwan case | The 2011 Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference |
張繼寧、吳佳諭 | 2011/05 | 師培沒有教的事情-蘭嶼實習經驗省思 | 「師資培育與弱勢者教育:理論, 實踐與反思」學術研討會 |
鄭舒方、吳昭容 | 2011/05 | 訪談課程對泰雅族國中生訊息性溝通能力影響之初探 | 民國100年原住民數理教育學術研討會–文化‧科學與綠能生活 |
洪儷瑜 | 2011/06 | 北部教育優先區國一新生的閱讀能力與相關因素研究 | 閱讀教學國際學術研討會 |
林寀雯、李信仲、吳昭容 | 2011/05 | 平衡模式之補救課程對弱勢國中學生整數四則運算的影響 | 弱勢學生增能教育學術研討會 |
吳昭容、李信仲、黃淑華、鄭舒方 | 2011/05 | 部落中學實施數學科補救教學的困難與策略探索 | 弱勢學生增能教育學術研討會 |
孔淑萱、洪儷瑜、吳昭容 | 2011/05 | 影響不同弱勢族群學生識讀能力相關因素之研究:以偏遠地區漢族與泰雅族國中生為對象 | 弱勢學生增能教育學術研討會 |
| 2011/05 | 數學補救教學課室觀察研究─如何利用教室言談進行鷹架教學 | 弱勢學生增能教育學術研討會 |
許殷宏、武佳瀅 | 2011/05 | 教師能力觀之探究-以三位國小教師為例 | 「2011臺灣教育社會學論壇」國際學術研討會 |
| 2011/06 | Looking in science classrooms: Exploring cultural differences in science teaching and learning through a reflective approach | The 42nd Annual ASERA Conference |
| 2011/06 | Enhancing teachers’ pedagogical awareness in science classrooms: A research-based professional development approach | The 42nd Annual ASERA Conference |
Hsiou-Wen Yang, Yi-fen Su , Shin-feng Chen | 2011/07 | Relation Between Chinese Literacy and Processing Speed Index Among Second- and Third- Grade Students in Taiwan | Eighteenth Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading |
Meng-Feng Li., Yi-Fen Su., Chi-Ching Chuang | 2011/07 | The development of character-identification strategies for Chinese regular and irregular compound characters among Chinese beginning readers | Eighteenth Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading |
Chen,J.-L.,Su,Y.-F.,Chiang,Y., Tung,H.,Lin, L.C. | 2011/07 | Effects of Elaboration Instructions on Strategic Reading and Comprehension in Primary Classroom: Evidences from Second Graders’ Think Aloud Data | Eighteenth Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading |
作者 | 出版年 | 篇名/文章名 | 研討會名稱 |
Liao, Y. K. C., Wang, Y. C., Chen, Y. J., Liu, Y. H., & Lung, W. Y. | 2010/03 | Visualizer usage in elementary schools: A case study | Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 21th International Conference |
Liao, Y. K., Li-hsin Evelyn Chang., Chen-Ching Chang. | 2010/03 | Game-based learning vs. traditional instruction: A Meta-analysis of thirty-eight studies from Taiwan | Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 21th International Conference |
湯仁燕 | 2010/06 | 從教師的知識基礎省思師資培育學程 | 師資培育政策與專業實踐的反思國際學術研討會 |
張素貞 | 2010/06 | 師資培育課程與教師角色觀點之研究 | 師資培育政策與專業實踐的反思國際學術研討會 |
黃嘉莉 | 2010/06 | 師資培育多元化下不同培育管道師資及其能力養成之研究 | 師資培育政策與專業實踐的反思國際學術研討會 |
張炳煌 | 2010/06 | 儲備教師教職選擇動機之探究 | 師資培育政策與專業實踐的反思國際學術研討會 |
林信榕 | 2010/06 | 運用師資培育資料庫於師資培育政策發展之詮釋與問題探討 | 師資培育政策與專業實踐的反思國際學術研討會 |
張嘉育、陳信翰 | 2010/06 | 我國大學畢業師資生求職狀況分析 | 師資培育政策與專業實踐的反思國際學術研討會 |
王麗雲 | 2010/06 | 入口管制與出口管制的師培政策反省 | 師資培育政策與專業實踐的反思國際學術研討會 |
Hsien-Yuan Hsu., Yi-Hua Lai., Hsin-Ying Chin | 2010/07 | Development and validation of a questionnaire to measure respondents’ perceived risks of web surveys | The Joint Statistical Meeting |
Hsin-Ying Chin., Hsien-Yuan Hsu., Yi-Hua Lai | 2010/07 | Testing gender difference in perceived time risk of the web surveys using Mimic model | The Joint Statistical Meeting |
Yi-Hua Lai., Hsin-Ying Chin., Hsien-Yuan Hsu | 2010/07 | The impacts of respondents’ perceived privacy and time risks on the web surveys reply intention | The Joint Statistical Meeting |
董子毅、郝永崴 | 2010/11 | 找回失落的情意能力?高關懷學生實施探索教育之課程評鑑 | 「全球化時代之關鍵能力與教育革新」國際研討會 |
湯仁燕 | 2010/11 | 全球化脈絡下的師生互動與關係再造 | 「全球化時代之關鍵能力與教育革新」國際研討會 |
湯仁燕、陳以叡 | 2010/11 | 國小學生的英語能力觀:個案班級的探索 | 「全球化時代之關鍵能力與教育革新」國際研討會 |
| 2010/11 | 擔任社團活動幹部之經驗對應屆大專畢業生就業力之影響: Propensity score matching之應用 | 2010年大專校院校務研究與高等教育發展國際學術研討會 |
| 2010/11 | 分析影響紐西蘭中學生科學素養之家庭因素:以PISA 2006年資料為例 | 2010年臺灣教育學術研討會 |
廖斌吟、楊文金、葉佳承、黃柏森 | 2010/12 | 診斷原住民學生對科學文本「葉的構造與功能」之閱讀困難研究 | 第一屆全球華人科學教育會議研討會 |
| 2010/12 | 學生科學與數學識讀能力之探究–以「比」的概念為例 | 中華民國第二十六屆科學教育學術研討會 |
湯仁燕、蘇安莉 | 2010/12 | 從適性教育的觀點探索理念學校─宜蘭人文中小學「以學習者為中心」之實踐策與評析 | 2010理念學校論述與遊學教育實踐研討會 |
作者 | 出版年 | 篇名/文章名 | 研討會名稱 |
Chen, Y., Lee, J.R., Cheng, S.-K., Hung, D.L, & Tzeng, O.J.L. | 2009/01 | The Relationship between the ERP rhyming effect and the naming latency of Chinese native speakers in Taiwan. | 13th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL) |
| 2009/01 | Evidence for Sub-Syllable Phonological Processing in Chinese Character Recognition. | 13th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL) |
| 2009/01 | The Neural Basis of Orthographic Processing in Reading Chinese: An FMRI Study. | 13th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL) |
| 2009/02 | A meta-analysis of collective teacher efficacy and student achievement | Meeting of Southwest Educational Research Association 32nd Annual Conference |
| 2009/02 | Setting Benchmarks for Culturally Diverse Students with Curriculum-based Measures: Problems for Universal Screening | Seventeenth Annual Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC) |
| 2009/02 | A mini meta-analysis on the effect of incentives on students’ achievement | Meeting of Southwest Educational Research Association 32nd Annual Conference |
Wu, J., Kwok, O., Lee, Y.-H., & Hsu, H. | 2009/04 | Using structural equation modeling to analyze complex survey data: A comparison of single-level CFA and multilevel CFA | Meeting of American Educational Research Association Annual Conference |
王麗雲 | 2009/04 | Counting on the Mayors? Analyzing the Impact of May Control in Local Education | Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association |
Hsu, H-Y., Skidmore, S. T., & Li, Y. | 2009/04 | An empirical investigation of exploratory multivariate options: A MIMIC model using factor scores and exploratory structural equation modeling | Meeting of American Educational Research Association Annual Conference |
孔淑萱 | 2009/04 | Predicting the Success on a State Standards Test for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students Using Curriculum-based Reading Measures | 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) |
Sue, X.R. Wang, L.Y. | 2009/04 | Can School Autonomy Explain the Differences in Student Achievement between Public and Private Schools? Empirical Evidences from Taiwan | Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association |
Li-yun Wang,Li-yun Wang | 2009/05 | Constructing the questionnaire of the Asian Regional Module for ICCS 2009 | 33rd Annual Pacific Circle Consortium Conference: The Development of Regional Modules for International Civic and Citizenship Education Study |
Liu,Mei-hui;Chen,Li-hua | 2009/05 | Comparing three regional modules for ICCS 2009: Asian, Latin American, and European regional modules | 33rd Annual Pacific Circle Consortium Conference |
Liu, M. | 2009/05 | Cross-cultural research collaboration: Issues and reflections | 33rd Annual Pacific Circle Consortium Conference |
許殷宏、武佳瀅 | 2009/05 | 中產階級原漢學生文化資本運作之比較研究 | 2009亞太教育社會論壇—社會變遷與教育改革 |
孔淑萱 | 2009/06 | Use a progress monitoring system to examine the effectiveness of peer-mediated instruction on English learning | 4th Symposium on Quality Education |
Chen,Hsiao-Lan;Wu,Chao-Jung;Leung, Shuk-kwan S. | 2009/06 | Problems reconsidered and strategies reconstructed for the enhancement of mathematics learning at rural schools | 4th International Symposium on Quality Education |
Chen,Hsiao-Lan;Wu,Chao-Jung;Leung, Shuk-kwan S. | 2009/06 | Problems reconsidered and strategies reconstructed for the enhancement of mathematics learning at rural schools | 4th Symposium on Quality Education |
Leung, S, K. S., Wu, C. J. | 2009/06 | Assessment and school visits and as an initial step in an enhancement project for schools in Kaohsiung with low achievers in mathematics | 4th Symposium on Quality Education |
陳慧娟 | 2009/06 | Self-handicapping and parental attachment relationship of junior high school students in remote districts of Taiwan | 4th Symposium on Quality Education |
Cheng, C. L. | 2009/06 | Interpersonal Interaction of Taiwanese Adolescents at Rural Schools: Preliminary Study of Perceived Importance and Coping Strategy | 4th Symposium on Quality Education |
Chen,P.Y.; Sheu,T.M.; Pan,H.L.; Lu,H.H. | 2009/06 | The Preliminary study of strategic leadership in remote middle schools | 4th Symposium on Quality Education |
Cheng, Yuh-show Tseng, Jun-jie | 2009/06 | English learning motivation of junior high school students in remote districts | 4th Symposium on Quality Education |
Hung, L. Y., Su, Y. F. | 2009/06 | Applying the Simple View of Reading into the Assessment of Reading Competence of Secondary Students | 4th Symposium on Quality Education |
| 2009/06 | Evaluating an online professional development course: Two in-service English teachers’ views | 4th Symposium on Quality Education |
潘慧玲 | 2009/06 | Teacher evaluation as a means for professional development | 4th Symposium on Quality Education |
許殷宏、武佳瀅 | 2009/08 | 升學體制下的迎合與迷失—國中學生文化資本之探究 | 2009東ASIA?際教育研究?????? |
| 2009/08 | Evaluating the impact of forced zero cross-loadings in a structural model: A Monte Carlo simulation | Meeting of American Psychological Association 117th Annual Conference |
Tzu Yi Lin,Wen-Ju Cheng,Yuchun Chen,Jun Ren Lee | 2009/09 | Prevalence Rates of Developmental Dyslexia and Dyscalculia: a study from Taiwan. | Annual Conference of European Conference for Educational Research (ECER): Main Conference Poster Session and Lunch Break |