I. Topics for papers submission:
The important issues to be explored in this conference are as follows.
(1) Equity and Excellence in Learning Achievement.
- Student learning performance and effectiveness at all levels of education.
- The relationship between educational resources allocation and student learning performance.
- Specific promotion strategies and successful experiences in enhancing student learning outcomes.
- Independent learning and non-cognitive development of students.
(2) Transformation Effectiveness and Innovation of Educational Institution.
- Teacher training policies in the new century.
- Teaching and assessment of literacy curriculum.
- Teacher Professional Development and Teacher Leadership.
- Organizational learning and governance of schools.
(3) Educational Effectiveness and Learning Society.
- Learning Pathways and Career Development.
- School-Community Partnerships.
- Lifelong learning and non-formal education.
- Schools and the Learning Society.
II.Paper presentation: Oral presentation.
III. Important Dates.
(a) Abstract submission deadline: July 31, 2021.
(2) Results of approved manuscripts: August 13, 2021.
(c) Full paper submission deadline: September 30, 2021.
(4) Seminar date: October 22 and 23, 2021.
IV.Submission requirements:
(a) The Chinese abstract should be 1,000 words, and the English abstract should be 600 words, and should contain the research objectives, research methods and preliminary findings.
(b) Please send your manuscript by e-mail: the electronic file name of the paper is “first author’s name -article title.doc”.
(c) Please fill in the application and basic information of the authors in the Google form. The basic information form of the authors indicates the real name of the first author, service unit, title, contact phone number, cell phone, e-mail, mailing address and all information of the second and third authors.
Google form: https://tinyurl.com/s5yhpmev.
(4) Please abide by the Copyright Law and do not submit the same manuscript that has been submitted elsewhere. We will not return the manuscript, so please keep the original manuscript. The content and opinions of the submissions are the responsibility of the authors and do not represent the position of the Association.
- Please submit your manuscript to annie91720@ntnu.edu.tw. The title of the letter should be “Author’s Name OOO International Conference on Education for Future: Educational Equity, Excellence and Effectiveness”, and the organizer will reply with an “Acknowledgement of Receipt” letter after receiving the manuscript.
- Review results: E-mail notification is scheduled for July 26, 2021.
International Conference on Education for Future: Educational Equity, Excellence and Effectiveness- Paper Format Instructions